Yup, you read it. I am back. Like I've said before I 1. ate a steak. And as I am a little bit drunk, I don't remember te 2 others things I said when I'll come back in Quebec.
herese what I did.
I hanged on with a girl who invited me for a movie night alone with her someday but not in to long.
1 day ago I buyed the bass that felt the best in my hand and that played the best of all.à
It felt on an Epiphone.
What Epiphone I will not say but I'll say that I can slap, like a MOFO on it.
I'll say all the rest a tomorow night I whinmk because its 1:48 am and I think that5 we have to drink another beer.
Yah guysd, good to be back IOn Quebec and Everywhere.!!!